We help you to Save
a lot of Money, Cognitive over load and Time while you handle health problems

Start experiencing care and value added services in controllable and predictable environment.

Free, unlimited teleconsultations with 28 specialist doctors. Free in-person consultations at your nearby hospital. In addition, we will pay the fee for your trusted doctor you or your family is already seeing.

Free health insurance, with a maximum of 1-year waiting time and easy rules for pre-existing conditions, so you can get stress-free and easy healthcare insurance onboarding.

Free Value Added services like expert advice on mental health and relationship counselling, a weekly one-hour webinar / health talks by doctors and dieticians on various topics, daily interactive sessions on yoga, Zumba, Pilates, and ergonomics are available for free, providing comprehensive health and wellness services.

With GetAFixMD
you get



28 specialty doctors (6 AM – 12 Midnight) and Psychologist & Psychiatrist (24 Hours) and available for online consultations according to your preference. unlimited and free consultations.

Unlimited In-person consultation to the doctor nearby your place, we will pay the fee. Profile of doctors available for in person consultation are,

Special focus on middle-aged individuals – We provide guidance and tips to enhance balance, agility, and core strength, reducing the risk of falls and optimizing overall lifestyle.

You may continue consulting with the same doctor/s. You may suggest your preferred doctor and facility and we will accommodate those profiles in to this scheme on best effort basis.


Our free health insurance offers are designed with clear and simple terms and you. With just a 1-year waiting period, pre-existing conditions are covered under a 5 Lakhs base insurance. Furthermore, you can increase your coverage by adding 5 Lakhs to 25 Lakhs to your existing health insurance cover through our Super Top-Up option, benefits of super top up are coverage for pre-existing diseases from day 1 and no waiting periods for specific illnesses.

We have three more complementary insurance products designed for you. 1. Critical Illness Cover. Rs. 5 lakh will be paid when diagnosed with any of the below mentioned 15 Critical diseases during the subscription period. Critical illness is applicable to GetAFixMD subscribers up to 60 years of age.

Hospicash. GetAFixMD customers up on minimum of 24 hours of hospitalisation, can claim for a daily cash of Rs 3000/- up to 30 days.

Excellent after sales support .


Our comprehensive approach to healthcare prioritizes your mobility, physical and mental health, supporting your longevity, social life, and overall wellbeing.

Focus on middle-aged individuals – We provide guidance and tips to enhance balance, agility, and core strength, reducing the risk of falls and optimizing overall lifestyle.

Free Weekly knowledge sharing sessions by experts in the domains of nutrition, lifestyle optimization and mindfulness.

Free access to weekly sessions conducted such as Health talks by Doctors & Dieticians, Webinar on Pilates / Ergonomics, Virtual Fitness Sessions like Yoga and Zumba.

What are the top 9 reasons to Join GetAFixMD?


We resolve all of your urgent care ailments and diseases at source over quality healthcare and doctor consultation.


We provide Doctor on call and other patient care services at best rates at your premise.


Group Healthcare Insurance- Friendly T&C for waiting period and Pre-Existing Diseases


Group Healthcare Insurance- Easy Onboarding and higher age limits


Group Health Insurance-Insurance Coverage upto 25 Lakhs at affordable premium.


96% Claim Settlement ratio


Exponential returns on Choice, Convenience and Health


Value added services including professional advisory.


We don't sell your personally identifiable data to make money

GetAFixMD is there to help you

We get it, We bring care along with best healthcare insurance coverages and Value added services to your premise as per your choice and convenience.

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The hassles you may face when encounter with health problems.

  • You get confused with options about modes of treatment (Modern medicine, AYUSH etc.)
  • You don't know where to start and what is the right path
  • Interference of too many non- clinical and zero value items on the go
  • You know that curation of doctors, facilities are too critical before you choose the treatment

5 Easy steps to experience services as per your Choice and Convenience

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Explore our pricing plans

Click pricing button in the home page and explore our plans

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Check Eligibility

Check your eligibility by answering Simple yes or no questions.

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Avail special services exclusively for you

Proceed to buy subscription by filling the form given.

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Fill in your health information

Outcome of doctor consultation is 10X better while doctor understands your health history

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Proceed with the Payment and start experiencing our service.

Our Promise to you Image

Our Promise to you

  • Trustworthy and verified medical professionals and therapists
  • Qualified from govt medical colleges/ reputed private institutions in India, registered in respective states- verified profiles after thorough due diligence
  • Skip all the hiccups , stress and confusion while seeking quality healthcare & ancillary services.
  • Seek advice/emergency doctor consultation near you as per your requirement and get actionable advice from a domain expert all the time, every time
  • Physical visit happens only for interventions/admissions. Rest of all the conditions get treated at your premises
  • Healthcare Insurance coverage with affordable premium
Our Promise to you Image

How unique and different are we

  • Our Business Model is focused on your Individual settings, Preferences and Choices
  • We focus on Proactive Preventive Care and Primary Care not on Interventional Care
  • We bring in Exponential Returns on Health, Choice and Convenience when you engage with GetAFixMD
  • Most of the healthcare service providers have disease at the central point of their business model , they create new value prepositions and innovative revenue streams based on your disease
  • Whereas, GetAFixMD Business model becomes commercially viable only when you are healthy and you don't have a need to visit hospitals and doctors frequently.

Join GetAFixMD today, experience care as per your preference, choice and convenience.

  • We chart out your health and wellness as well as road to recovery in a comprehensive manner. We bring together all healthcare services components.
  • It is more important to know which patient the disease has than which disease the patient has. Traditional one size fits for all model medicine are not the right way of addressing health problems

Discover Yourself Through Analysis

  • HealthCare futuristic
  • Our commitment
  • How you start your Care

HealthCare futuristic

Popular analyses and patients' demands

In medicine and healthcare, digital technology could help, equalize the relationship between medical professionals and patients, transform healthcare systems into sustainable ones, and provide cheaper, faster and more effective solutions for diseases. Science of medicine is taking benefit from technology advancement in areas such as AI, Remote monitoring and Point Of Care innovative technology application, Clinical genomics and many more. We will bring you these benefits to your real experience

Our commitment

Popular analyses and patients' demands

We will keep on updating you with innovations in healthcare and more importantly, help you to experience those exponential changes while you deal with medical conditions. Our constant strive will be to hide technology from you to the maximum as possible and make you experience the benefits of technology, be it in the form of digital front door or design the treatment protocol by understanding your health profile and personalising the treatment plan suits you best and so on.

How you start your Care

Popular analyses and patients' demands

It starts from understanding your unique health profile. We will chart out a plan which coordinates between your unique health profile, your preferences and choices, your existing medical conditions, past history of medical / surgical interventions, current medications, your habits and present life styles / patterns etc. Our doctors will treat you for Urgent care and Health and Wellness but you can consult our doctors and take advice for all health related issues, be it a chronic medical condition, any secondary, tertiary or further complicated conditions or co-morbidities or even for conditions that require serious medical or surgical intervention. You can consult and seek advice from our doctors while we understand you not only from the science of medicine angle but from the holistic health and personalised choices and patterns. We travel with you.